10 Steps to A Better Life

http://www.fubiz.net/2016/08/25/beautiful-ballet-dancers-portraits-in-new-york-city-streets/Hey, it’s Batgirl! So maybe it’s just me, but as awesome as that sounds, I don’t want to become a girl who just hangs out eating chips and watching Netflix. And I don’t want to just be “the accountant” or a girl who has a boring desk job. Like, hey, that’s cool for tons of people, and I completely respect and admire that. But that’s not me, and even if that’s you, you’re not just anything. So want to become more than ‘just’? Let’s do it.

  1. Be Curious
    Be so curious that you could ask more questions than a five year old (and trust me, that is no easy feat). If you don’t want to know things, you won’t. And if you don’t know things, then literally all you are is an uneducated potato. The more you know, the more interesting you are, and the happier you’ll be.
  2. Push Yourself
    No more of that “later” business. You want something, you’ve got to work for it. Do you think that anyone awesome became that way by sitting around eating potato chips? No way. You want to be strong, start working out. You want to be smart, start learning. You want to be something, you do something, if you do something, you do it right, if you’re doing something right, you’re going to be giving it 100%. None of that half hearted junk, give it your all.
  3. But Take Breaks, Too
    So many people get anxiety because they’re trying too hard, because they’re being overwhelmed. You’re not allowed to do that to yourself. If your priorities are getting skewered, you need to stop, step back and relax. Take care of yourself. If you’re sacrificing your happiness for something, then you need to take a break and ask yourself if you really want this or not.
  4. Get Rid of Toxic People
    I know… easier said than done. Getting out of relationships is hard, even the emotionally or physically abusive ones. But you’ve got to do it. If that relationship is with a parent, then you need to analyze how bad it is, and whether or not you’ll be mentally healthy sticking through, and surround yourself with really positive and good friends. But who you are with may be who you become, and if one of your friends makes jokes at your expense, you need to take charge.
  5. Be Physically Healthy
    Now, most of these are for your emotional or academic growth, but you’ve got to take care of your body. Sorry, but 3 hours of sleep and a diet of instant ramen just isn’t enough. You need at least 8 (preferably 9) hours of sleep, exercise, tons of water and healthy food. I know, I know. “I don’t have time for sleep.” “Exercise… uuuurrgh.” “Do you realize how gross spinach is?” Do superheroes complain about this stuff? Do superheroes go “buuut it’s so haaard”? No. You’re the hero of your own life, so shape up and take care of your body.
  6. Give Up Time Wasters
    You know what I’m talking about. “Accidentally” marathoned all of Supernatural? Stayed up a few hours too late on Tumblr? Keep watching ‘how to’ Youtube videos with the full knowledge that you’re never going to do what they’re teaching you how to do? Get rid of it. If it’s not helpful, you don’t need it.
  7. Learn a New Language
    This will help with your memorization, communication and overall brain functions. Being bilingual or polylingual is really amazing, and free sites such as Memrise, Duolingo or even Youtube are all great resources to help you out.
  8. Get Into the Arts
    Drawing, music, drama… working with the creative side of your brain is an awesome experience. “But I suck.” Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you don’t practice. Don’t do something you hate. Find what you love, what works for you. Sketch characters from your favorite book, act out scenes from your favorite movies, sing in the shower in full on pop star mode, I don’t care. Don’t worry about sucking, this is about living life and having fun. So do what you love, and don’t think about how others look at you when you’re horribly off key.
  9. Keep Your Space Clean
    I know, you think that it doesn’t make much of a difference. And so what if the floor’s dusty or there’s paper everywhere? You know where everything is. But a clean outside helps towards a clean inside, and you’ll be surprised at how nice your bedroom looks once you make your bed.
  10. Keep a Journal
    Write down your thoughts, feelings, blessings, things you found pretty, things that you want to learn about, friends that you met, whatever you want, just write! You can keep it to sketch in, or to pin little things in like a scrapbook, writing down your thoughts is super helpful for decluttering your mind and venting your feelings.

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Stronger. Smarter. Better. It’s Batgirl.

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